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House of Coffee / Newsletter  / Bean to Cup – Economical

Bean to Cup – Economical

Average running costs compared over time

Based on drinking two espressos a day over the course of five years, plus the upfront cost of the cheapest relevant Best Buy coffee machine, we’ve calculated that espresso machines (ground coffee machines) actually work out cheapest (£773), followed by bean-to-cup machines (£1,033) and then pod machines (£1,153).

Upfront cost
Cost after 1 year Cost after 2 years Cost after 3 years
Cost after 4 years
Cost after 5 years
£95 £307 £518 £730 £941 £1,153
£90 £227 £363 £500 £636 £773
Bean-to-cup £350 £487 £623 £760 £896 £1,033


Over the course of five years, machines that use whole or ground coffee beans work out cheaper because buying beans is a cheaper way, per cup, to enjoy an espresso.

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