We launched our new website on 19th July – any issues or errors please let us know! Thanks 😉



House of Coffee / Newsletter  / Matilda and the Canal Festival

Matilda and the Canal Festival

It was with some degree of both pride and apprehension that we rolled out Matilda for our first event at Saturday’s annual Leighton-Linslade Canal Festival. We should not have worried however: From the go, our refitted ‘self-propelling coffee machine’ showed it’s agility with some canny off-roading and self-leveling ability as it nestled by the lakeside of Tiddenfoot Park. This was our home crowd and the support that we received was wonderful.

We usually sell ‘dry’ coffee for our customers to turn into a drink and this was our first serious venture into the art of presenting ‘wet’ coffee direct to customers..

As luck would have it we chose a lovely sunny day and the local community (that House of Coffee have served since 1984) came out in their happy masses.

The day was busy: Coffee and tea in constant demand. (no appetite for the 24 cherry bakewells that we bought on impulse however) A lot of mochaccino’s. Free cold water.

Team ‘Nick, Fred and Will’ settled down to a steady rhythm.

Our coffees were well received.

Despite a very busy day, and to the delight of Nick in particular, we found time to roast a few grams of coffee! There’s a little video to show our cute Roastalino in action.

We saw many of our shop customers and many new faces of course. It was an absolute treat to see such a large group of people relax and enjoy this fun, summers day and a genuine pleasure to do our bit as best we could.

Thank you to all our customers and everyone at the festival for making our job a very happy one. We hope to be at the next festival in Leighton Buzzard, rain or shine.

If YOU need the services of a dedicated, highly functional, self propelling , all weather coffee ‘fountain’ then we will be there for you ! (top speed 50mph)

Thank you Leighton-Linslade for a great day.

Nick, Fred and Will


1 Comment

  • Felix

    Reply August 2, 20225:53 pm

    Good job Nick. Beautiful van and the coffee was great. Well done to team House of Coffee on this new venture.

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