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House of Coffee / Newsletter  / Our new M.P. drops in on House of Coffee…..

Our new M.P. drops in on House of Coffee…..

We were delighted to welcome Alex Mayer, M.P. to our shop on Friday. Her visit was in recognition of our 40th year in the Town Centre and also stemmed from an interest in the unusual craft of our roasting business.

It also happens to be ‘Fairtrade fortnight’ who are also celebrating their birthday of 30 years. We invited Liz Bagshaw of the local Fairtrade Group to join us while her team are busy promoting events. Fairtrade Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 21st September from 10am at Trinity Methodist Church, North Street and a selection of our roasted coffees will be available as well as the cakes!

It was very nice to see our M.P. take this interest is us and we hope that Alex enjoyed the experience and caught the essence our business ‘success through service’ to the Town. We did all agree that our logo HofC might not look out of place in the House of Commons although we can’t see them opening a gift shop any time soon so perhaps that’s a non starter!

Also it was very good to catch up with Liz of the local Fairtrade team and most notably build on our understanding of the benefits of both fixed pricing and open market forces within the speciality coffee industry.

So thank you Alex for your recognition and please drop buy any time and do some more roasting if you wish. And thank you Liz : you can drop by anytime too.

Usefull links:

FairtradeLL https://www.fairtradell.co.uk/

Here is our Fairtrade web-site offer https://thehouseofcoffee.co.uk/fairtrade-fortnight-2024website-and-shop-discount/

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